– Democrats in a Panic! Why Is That?
The series of reports focused on ERIC’s lack of transparency, lack of reforms, and bias. We also pointed out how ERIC was created to clean the voter rolls but this never happened. The voters rolls were never cleaned up in the ERIC states. A good example of this is Wisconsin – a state that uses the ERIC system yet has 7.06 million registered voters in a state with 3.6 million eligible voters!
Obviously, the ERIC system is not working.
It was later discovered that ERIC founder David Becker was sharing ERIC content in 2020 with leftist groups during the presidential election.
Per our Hero Governor Younkin:
“Since leaving ERIC, Virginia established data-sharing agreements with numerous states incurring no additional costs. Additionally, the Department of Elections has increased its data sources by collaborating with forty-one states to obtain driver’s license surrender data, while ERIC only provides data sharing with twenty-five states.
I have been explicitly clear about my affirmation of the legitimacy of our elections. My focus is safeguarding Virginians’ private information and continuously improving an efficient, costeffective voter registration system.
Accordingly, I veto the bill.”